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ZShell supports wild card file descriptions on some commands

Important: If you want to use | as part of a wild card, you have to
  precede it by  or enclose the wild card by quotes. This is to avoid
  to be treated as an  pipe . Example:
              dir ram:(*.info|*.bak)
  or          dir "ram:(*.info|*.bak)"
  instead of  dir ram:(*.info|*.bak)

OS2.0+ note: The default is to use AmigaDOS wildcard patternmatching.
  It is localized and has not the limitations of the internal matcher.
  But you have to be careful when looking at the examples in this
  documentation, because they are made for the internal matcher.
  (You can even use * instead of #? with the AmigaDOS matcher, because the
  wildstar flag is set by ZShell in the system for all programs. Please
  tell  me  if this makes problems.)
  To switch back to the internal matcher use:  FLAGS WILD OFF 

  AmigaDOS patternmatcher:

    ?       Matches a single character.
    #       Matches the following expression 0 or more times.
    (ab|cd) Matches any one of the items seperated by '|'.
    ~       Negates the following expression.  It matches all strings
            that do not match the expression (aka ~(foo) matches all
            strings that are not exactly "foo").
    [abc]   Character class: matches any of the characters in the class.
    [~bc]   Character class: matches any of the characters not in the
    a-z     Character range (only within character classes). 
    %       Matches 0 characters always (useful in "(foo|bar|%)").
    *       Synonym for "#?", not available by default in OS2.0,
            but is switched on by ZShell.

    "Expression" in the above table means either a single character
    (ex: "#?"), or an alternation (ex: "#(ab|cd|ef)"), or a character
    class (ex: "#[a-zA-Z]").

The following refers to the internal patternmatcher:

Wild cards are like those supported on MessyDOS or UNICS systems, and not
the same as the ones on AmigaDOS. So use * instead of #? .
NOTE: You can only effectively put one * character in a wild card.

Character       Meaning
  *         Match zero or more characters.
  ?         Match one character.
  ~         Negates the following wildcard.
 [  ]       Specifies a class of characters to match.
            (One of the characters in the brackets must match)
  |         Separate multiple filenames (can be wildcards)
            (One of the file descriptions separated by | must match)

To get that just try the examples following and try it out with  DIR .
eg.    list *.info      {lists all files ending in .info}
       dir z*.s         {lists all files starting z, ending in .s}
       delete df0:*.info   {deletes all .info files from df0:}
       copy *.s ram:    {copies all .s files to ram:}
       copy 1? df0:     {copies all two char files beginning with 1}
       dir ~*.s         {lists all files NOT ending in .s}
       list ~*.info     {lists all files except for .info files}
       dir *.[co]       {lists files ending in .c or .o}
       list [abcd]*     {lists files beginning with a,b,c or d}
       list c:mount|version {lists the files Mount and Version}
        {OS2.0+ this would be: list c:(mount|version)  }
       list ram:env/a*|*b   {lists all files starting with a or
                             ending with b from RAM:env (environment)}
       copy ~*.info|*.bak   {copies all files NOT ending in .info
                             and NOT ending in .bak}